The philosophy

An old proverb says: « Si la jeunesse savait, si la vieillesse pouvait… », or: “If the young but knew, if the old but could…” If only it were possible for the optimism of youth to have the benefit of experience. And if only wisdom could have the benefit of the optimism of youth, still untarnished by the disappointment of defeat. That is what the “project” of La Casetta dei Frati and its Frawines® is all about: giving to experience the freshness of youthful vigour, in order for it to express itself to the full; and putting knowledge to the service of optimism, in order for that optimism to shine.
That’s the choice of headstrong farmers, not of businessmen! Stubbornly followed until these wines from the hills with their poor soil, succeeded in establishing themselves on the market as a result of the interest of people who appreciate them.
Maria Adele and Renzo want to achieve the highest level of quality that their land will permit, while respecting nature, their surroundings and their times. For this they have chosen the Cantico delle Creature as the motto for their wines. Maybe the first and most beautiful hymn in the Italian language to celebrate the wonders of creation: «...YOURS ARE THE PRAISE, THE GLORY, THE HONOUR»


La Casetta dei Frati, società agricola in n.c. di Maria Adele Ubaldi — via dei Frati 8, 47015 Modigliana (FC)
C.F. e P.IVA 03513850408 — tel. +39 0546.940628 cell. 348.5596961 fax +39 0546 949140 —
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